Crimson Chapter

The Chapter is semistate militant order indirectly subordinate to Sisters of Blood and High Canoness.  Despite being lead by Legatine Prior and several of her Sisters the order is consisted of purely common Arnorians and no Sister is appointed to standard ranks.

The Chapter is funded by Arnor, but it also accepts donations from local populace.

It does armed protection and security of local area, however preaching, medical care and sometimes even distribution of food is also practiced. All this is helping to spread faith and concolidate Arnorian influence.

The most common outpost is Chapter House, a fortified keep that is capable to protect moderate local area while being able to withstand assault from common pirate, brigant and raider warbands.

The backbone of the order is Chapter Castle. It works as a headquarters for Chapter Houses and one castle is usually responsible for entire continent or a whole planet. The Chapter Castle is a fortress in its own right.

The last type of outpost is Chapter Monastery. These rare outpost are more of a fortress towns than simple outposts. They overlook network of Chapter Castles with their Chapter Houses and one Chapter Monastery is responsible for entire sectors of space. They ussualy have their own shipyard.

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