Government of Arnor

Domestic political support

As the Senate and local councils govern, the king and dukes are becoming more of a generals and overseers. The premise is that the hereditary lords should mostly oversee in peace and then be there in case of emergency (such as natural disasters and wars), where they will regain their "absolute power" to deal with this problem, and then back down again. However, this does not mean that they will cease to have political and ruling responsibility.

  • Ar-Adûnâim - 14%
  • Backed mostly by powerful nobles and nationalist this group believes in independent and strong Arnor.
  • Their aim is to loosen restrictions placed in Denebolian Accord and spread Arnorian dominance.
  • Dúnedain - 28%
  • The stable core of supporters loyal to High King believing in balance between strong, independent Arnor and international cooperation.
  • Their aim is to maintain Arnorian autonomy and power while getting along well with their allies and their goals.
  • Astar - 6%
  • Consisting of number of merchants, scientist, diplomats and landowners who desire prosperity and peace above all else.
  • Their aim is to cooperate with Denebolian Accord members as much as possible and eventually form one union.
  • Carnil - 52%
  • Followers of Yárcarniel with High Canoness, Sisters of Blood and their Crimson Chapter in lead.
  • Their aim is to spread faith, Arnorian influence and enstablish Arnorians as custodians of this universe.

Government parts

  • King/Queen

He or she is a sole ruler of the kingdom, bound only by customs and rights of kingdom´s citizens. There is exception when king/queen can be halted and that is, if both King´s/Queen´s Council and Senate vote for it.

Current High King: Anárion "Argonaut" Andúnion

  • King´s/Queen´s Council

Is made up of Captain-General, Captain-Admiral, Steward, Head of the Senate, High Canoness and governors (Duke/Duchess). Council serves only as advice for King and holds no legal authority, except a situation where it becomes a regent council. Situations are as follows, king´s/queen´s dear half refuses or can´t be a regent, heir is not old enough to become ruler, ruler instructed council to become a regency council. 

Current Captain-General: Berúthiel Failassë

Current Captain-Admiral: Beleg Emeryar

Current Steward: Cirion Failassë

Current Head of the Senate: Dírhael Axanion

Current High Canoness: Ivorwen Bronadyar

  • Senate

 Is made up of senators who are elected by the people, for each region one or more by population. Senators elect a representative who is also present in the king's council. Senate is responsible for the laws in all Arnor and rights of citizens, both of which are then consulted with the king in King´s Council.

  • Provinces/Duchies

Ruled by Duke or Duchess. Provinces have to listen to king, central goverment and follow Arnorian laws.  As Arnor has King's Council and Senate, provinces have equivalets to these institutions to, but with a diferenc that ´´Provincial Senate´´ works as an enforcer or extension of Senate´s control than its own thing.

  • Provincial Coucil

Is made up of few hereditary lords and many cadet lords, who are elected by people. Cadet lords are mayors, magistrates and reeves of estates, villages, towns and other. Provincial Council works as King's Council, but have right to submit proposal to the king or senate, if the council strongly disagrees with Duke/Duchess.



The concept of nobility in Arnor is somewhat different than you might think of it. Nobles are more of overseeing and approving decisions made by their local government rather than ruling by iron fist. However that doesn't mean they don't actively rule. They are ensuring traditions and arnorian mindset.

Even though most of them belong to rich class of population, its not by large margin and those who are not in direct ruling family are living common lives amongst other arnorians. Duchies, for example, are not property of nobility.

Children of nobility are growing up together with other arnorians and are forbidden to use their parents influence by any means.


The only restriction is that nobility can marry only enhanced arnorian.


Whole family will gather and discuss. The head of the family has the final word, but can choose its heir by listening to family´s advices. Choosing of heir is not restricted by age, sex or anything other apart from severe mental healt problems or betray of Arnor. The head of the family will then consult its choice with the king/queen.

Same goes for king´s/queen´s succession, but in this case, ruler will consult its choice with every head of all families.

Informations and History from MSCraft Team 
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