Economy of Arnor

  • Currency: Castar (silver coin)
  • Goods: Wood, Stone, Metals, Alloys, Silver, Sand, Marble, Military equipment

Arnorian economy was extremely national and under martial law nearly non sufficient, but after end of Barbarian war, when Arnor had room for breathing, private companies and guilds started to emerge. Together with slow incriease of population, their number has grown to. It was hard to say, how shall Arnorian young international economy compete with huge and long established Deneblioan giant. High King of Arnor wouldn't let Arnor to become cheap labor and resources for foreign companies and was prepared for extreme measures if necessary. Fortunately, this did not happen. "Young Trade Directive" that Denebol graciously enacted has greatly helped stabilize both international commerce and Arnorian domestic economy.

Arnor does not have a large enough infrastructure nor population to take advantage of its land for factories and heavy industry and most mineral, manufactured and precious resources stay in Arnorian hands. Arnorian crisis and expansion of Denebolian agricultural industry left Arnorian local agriculture uncompetitive in large scheme of things and it has become nearly entirely domestic. Although, most of Arnorian guilds and companies are still dependant on "Young Trade Directive", several of those metal and Athelas processing ones have managed to become self sufficient.


Legal entities residing in Arnor need to pay corporate income tax on their worldwide income. Foreign companies are taxed on income that is sourced in Arnor only. The standard corporate tax rate is 19%. 

Individuals that are considered as tax residents in the Arnor are levied a flat personal income tax rate of 15% from gross income.

State social security system covers health care provisions, pensions, employment insurance and sickness pay as well as child-related benefits and other social services. Both employers (34%) and employees (11%) contribute to the social security system from personal gross income.


Apart from mild import of agricultural goods, Arnorian imports range from many luxuries like basic hyegen to electronics and heavy machine components.

The protectorates and colonies supply Arnor with tariffs and moderately supplement Arnorian economy. However, most of the resources from tariffs are used on the respective worlds. 


Main Arnorian exports are large quantities of wood and some wildlife materials which include both fauna and flora. What could be marked as an export is Arnorian military and Chapter presence and several mercenary companies for hire.

In the exports are also drugs (medicaments) of Athelas approved by Denebolian government and their health control. Doses are not only de-escalated from enhanced Arnorians to ˝normal˝ people but to civilian safe use. 

Additionally, scientists and runesmiths have managed to implement Sub-dimensional powers into metallurgy. The resulting enchanted metals and alloys acquire up to several times better properties and in some rare cases completely change them.


The Colonial National Bank is the central bank and financial market supervisor in the Arnor with its headquarters in Annúminas. In accordance with its primary objective, the CNB sets monetary policy, issues banknotes and coins and manages the circulation of the Castar, the payment system and settlement between banks. It also performs supervision of the banking sector, the capital market, the insurance industry, pension funds, credit unions and electronic money institutions, as well as foreign exchange supervision. Zâram-Gathol is the headquarters of CNB and holds vault with Arnorian national reserves.

Two guilds in the largest settlements formed banks and operate across Arnor. The DNB has also show its presence and slowly climbed to the top, however Arnorian crisis made many citizens return to the stable guilds and CNB.


Personal transportation is solved by off-road motorbikes and cars, that are capable to traverse through heavy terrain. Most of the non-important traveling is however done on foot and although Arnor is vast and sparsely populated, Arnorians are skilled in wilderness survival. Their enhanced physic only adds to distance which they are capable to cover.

  • Stargates

A network of gates scattered throughout the main locations of Arnor. Until recently, the busiest type of transport, but since the blackout it is no longer used.

  • Railroad

This is the main type of transportation. Railroads are veins of Arnor and are taking care of the most of transporting. They are connecting almost all Arnorian settlements.

  • Mirror Altars

Although very different from Stargates, they came to fulfill similar role. They however did not managed to attain their frequent usage for Arnorians have got used to different means of domestic travel. Where the Altars shine is in interplanetary travel. They have many possibilities of use, including mass transportation of small armies.

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