Public Holidays

Though some of the holidays have origins from pagan or christian religions and customs, the holidays hold no religious meaning. Except the Red day of course.

1 January - New Year

Classic international New Year celebration with fireworks. (Since the Old world, adapted in the new one)

Between 22 March and 25 April - Easter

It is celebrated on monday after the first full moon (ie the first full moon after March 21).

Girls decorate Easter eggs to give them to boys on Easter Monday. Different materials can be used, such as bee's wax, watercolors, color from onion peels and picture stickers. Boys go caroling on Easter and gently whip girls on the butts. An Easter Rejuvenatey is used for whipping. It is a braided whip made from pussy willow twigs. Young, twigs are thought to bring luck, health and youth.

The Caroling is done from 8:00 to 12:00. After the 12:00, the girls pour water on boys instead of giving eggs. Boys have half an hour to make it to destined area (usually nearby grove) and hide there. After the 12:30, girls go to the destined area and search for hidden boys. Those who are found have to give an egg back. Any boy found outside of destined area is striped off all eggs. Everything ends at 14:00. Every leap-year, the roles for girls and boys are exchanged. (Partialy since the Old world, adapted and adjusted by Arnorians)

1 May - May Day

May Day is know as holiday of nature and love. The night before the first of May includes building and guarding maypole. Villages, towns and city districts compete in attempts to steal maypoles throughout the whole night. The competition ends with first sunshines when everyone scaters to best locations for observing sunrise. The day itself (especially the latter half of the day) is a dedicated to roaming with parter or alone through the nearby wilderness or less visited places with the goal to find a most beautiful remote piece of nature. (Partialy since the Old world, adapted and adjusted by Arnorians)

2 July - Red day

Banners of all shades of red are raised across whole Arnor and everyone wears at least something red. Flags and symbols of Sisters of Blood and Chapter Orders are seen everywhere. Huge parades and celebrations take place from sunrise to sunset for this is the day Yárcarniel was born. It is not entirely clear when exactly she appeared, but 2 July is the day Arnorians felt her presence. (Since 2021)

7 August - Storm´s day

This day is dedicated to the storm, two ships and bay of Sanctuary. Arnorians are celebrating the day when the crew of the two ships survived and brought foundation to the Colony and therefore Arnor itself. The day is conducted in educational manner with many exhibitions and short interactive lectures. (That is the question. Long before my involvement :D)

29 October - Victory day

October 19 was the end of Barbarian war. Arnorians gather on cemeteries and sites of great battles to honor the fallen who gave their lives for them. It is a day of remembrance, but also joy as endless toil and death is over. Small column of Denebolian soldiers and their representatives is invited to take a afternoon pilgrimage along the route of the last combined offensive. (Since 2020)

12 November - Crown day / Independence day

During Crown day, great ceremony is held where people renew their trust and loyalty to the High King. He then proceeds to visit every Duke/Duchess of the realm and together with people symbolically renew their noble status. Locals organize parades with banners, flags and symbols and celebrate independence. At the end of the tour, flypass and small military parade is held in front of royal palace and senate. (Since 2018)

17 November - Accord day

This day is dedicated to the signing of the Accord. Although Arnorians celebrate their independence a week earlier. This is the day when Denebol officially recognized it. All leaders of the nations of the Accord alliance are invited to give a speech. The G.U.A.R.D. is asked to make a speech to and perform ceremonial confirmation of their dedication to keep peace and act fair. (Since 2018)

24 December - Christmas / Warm hearth

Also known as "the day of a warm hearth". During this day, families gather for dinner together. A conifer is brought to living room and is decorated. After the dinner, presents are put under the tree and youngest family member distributes them around. (Since the Old world, adapted in the new one)

Informations and History from MSCraft Team 
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