Diplomacy of Arnor

Diplomatic relations

  • Friendly attitude, Denebolian Accord.

Although Denebol has undergone many reformations at its birth, some Arnorians still didn't trust them properly, because of secrets they kept from them and because of Denebolian ˝abandonment˝ during Great war. Even High King had some suspisions about SHIELD, but since the Great War, Arnor has been working with Denebol and relationships were growing each day. Tourism, trade and science flurished. Defeat of Barbarians and start of Denebolian war was drawing both nations friendship ever closer. The new Denebolian "Young Trade Directive" was also very appreciated in Arnor, even thou it was looked upon with suspicion. Suspicion that later proved unnecessary. The implementation of Sub-dimension ("magic" for some) into Arnorian technology drove a wedge between both nations scientists before Denebolians discovered planet with different magic.

The Arnorian crisis hindered relations between the two nations. Denebol has every right to look at us distrustfully when we have exposed our universe to eternal danger, all the more so because we have broken the accord. On the other hand, the economic and scientific help that Denebol gave us is now partialy seen as a killswitch. Yet, such help is necessary a still appreciated by many. Without it, Arnor would be left as insignificant nation interesting only by few mighty warriors. Arnor is now trying to regain lost trust and adjust its goals to be accepted by both nations.

  • Friendly attitude, Denebolian Accord.

Being both small nations compared with Denebol is making fine friendship. Partial adoption of Eldarian ancient language also helps, even though in some cases, Arnorians adapted it and changed it, to suit them. 

They didn't even realized there was Arnorian crisis until it ended. They however miraculously entered the scene in the last second to stop Arnor from leaving the Accord. Not much changes here, except appreciations of loyalty, which drives Arnorians to change their approach in planetary core situations.

It should be also noted, that Arnorians are aware of Eldarian interests in core of the planet and if their desires overcome them, Arnor, although hesitantly, will use brute force agains them, in order to save the planet.         

Hydra State

  • Neutral attitude

As with Denebol, Arnorians are still peeved for "abandonment" during the great war and trigering civil war in the colony fueled hatred furthe more. Despite all that, Hydra disappeared into obscurity long ago and Arnorians no longer care about them.

  • Total hostility, our most hated enemy

There is no diplomacy, only war.

Their fate is death by our hands! 

  • Unkind attitude, war status.

Arnor doesn't have any diplomatic contact with them. The only encounters with them were through Arnorian expeditionary soldiers sent to Denebol and those encounters were in fight.

Arnorian Protectorates

There are other minor nations or tribes on various planets, but their contribution is negligible.

  • Loyal subject, intrigued attitude

Sylvans are exempt from most tariffs and taxes, as their tithe to Arnor is almost exclusively in manpower. Cohorts from Syl are the most ferocious forces in Cohortes Vigilum.

  • Loyal subject, neutral attitude

People from Valei, tough highly resilient and skilled as individual warriors, are no soldiers. Their tariffs and tithe, though small, include mostly mineral resources and scientific hazard corps. 

  • Loyal subject, protective attitude

According to their conditions, Naru are exempt from nearly all tariffs and tithes.

  • Loyal subject, friendly attitude

The world of Morwe Gad is a good and loyal all-round. Although their mineral production may lack, the agricultural products greatly compensate it. Their cohorts in Cohortes Vigilum are very well trained, valiant and especially, loyal.

  • Loyal subject, friendly attitude

Redierrs contribute the large quantities of both raw and processed minerals as well as their exceptional skills. The cohorts of Redierrad are tough and unyielding, although their offensive capabilities on more plain terrains are questionable.

  • Sporadically loyal subject, varying attitude

Lamös is another all-round world. This time true all-round. Lamös cohorts are pompous and proud, however their skills and morale could be described as decent at best.

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